So many things for baby to do! Exersaucers are excellent toys that keep your baby entertained, growing and learning. Any toy that lasts for a few years and can do all of those things are the very best toys to have around and you’ll be glad you invested in them! They can be a life saver when you need to throw a quick load of laundry in or set your baby down and know that he or she is safe for a brief amount of time. Many exersaucers are the kind that will last for only a short few months with your baby so make sure and do your homework on what exactly you are looking for in one. There are exersaucers on the market that grow with your child and can help entertain baby into the toddler years by going from an exersaucer to an activity table. In my experience, these are the very best and will become a quick go to toy to keep baby safe and happy for several months. You’ll be glad you have this toy around!
We have a lot of friends that are becoming first time parents these days and my husband and I can’t help but laugh at some of the products they have bought into as a “Need” for their baby verse a “desired” or “falsely marketed” product that every parent “has to have!”
We sat there listening to our friend talk about his 6 month old son one day and how he hates to have his diaper changed unless the wipes are warmed. Now, I for one probably would prefer to have my tush wiped also with warmed wipes if since birth, that’s all I was accustomed to.
Now that we have toddlers, we can see so clearly these habits we create for own kids all the time. We just noticed this the other day with how cut our kids sandwiches a certain way and then if we forget to do it that way one day, they will for sure point it out to you and request whatever they are accustomed to in order to eat it. Babies and kids like consistency! It’s good for them. But new parents and parenting in general are full of ways to create bad habits for your kids. So maybe when you’re reviewing the “Must Have” baby list, ask yourself if this is something you want your baby to be use to having all the time. A wipe warmer is a very difficult thing to find or have with you every time you leave your home! 🙂