Four Quick Tips To Save Money on Diapers

by Danielle on October 18, 2009

in Saving Money

I’m sure by now you’ve figured out and we don’t have to tell you that Diapers
can be a budget drain. Statistics show that at seven to eight diaper changes a day, you’ll spend more than $2,000 by the time your little bundle of joy is potty trained. Phew! But there is some relief out there to cut your costs each month.

1. Collect Coupons– Don’t just search the Sunday paper, but generally if you google search a specific diaper brand, you can find a coupon out there.

2.Be Open to Bargains– Buying what’s on sale can save you a bundle. Unfortunately, this won’t work for everyone due to #3! It’s kind of a trial and error ordeal.

3. Find the Right Fit– Leaky diapers don’t just result in yucky baby messes. The wrong fit and wear for your baby can end up costing you much more in the long run. Laundry detergent, carpet cleaning supplies, etc. You get the idea!

4. Buy in BULK!- With almost 3 kids under the age of 4, this has been what works best for us. Did you know that Amazon has a buy in bulk and save program for many of the items you’ll be using a lot of, like Diapers! They sell the largest quantities and you set up an automatic delivery time for each month or as often or as little as you’d like and shipping is always free!

So, you’re paying the exact same price as you would if you were to make a trip to stores, such as Costco and Sam’s, where you can buy items in bulk. They also sell Baby Shampoo, Baby Diaper Cream, Baby Wipes and so much more all in bulk and cheaper than buying every time you need it. This also goes for those using Cloth Diapers! It’s a Win-Win and you never have to leave your home. You can totally stay in those Jammie’s and shop your heart out  for your little bundle of joy.

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